Mike Goddard
OBE BSc CEng FIET International Spectrum Policy AdvisorMike has 40 years’ experience in spectrum planning nationally and internationally with the Radiocommunications Agency and Ofcom. He was a member of the senior management team of Ofcom, and was acting Chief Executive of the Radiocommunications Agency when its functions were transferred to Ofcom. He was the first chairman of the European Radiocommunications Committee (now the ECC), with responsibility for establishing the European Radio Office in Copenhagen, and has chaired the EU’s Radio Spectrum Policy Group. He played a leading role in the development of spectrum reviews, national spectrum strategies, and the development and implementation of ground-breaking spectrum reform in the public sector. Mike led the UK delegations to ITU World Radio Conferences (WRC) from 1987 to 2007 and has been involved in the subsequent WRCs.
Mike has an extensive knowledge and understanding of spectrum regulation and spectrum policy both nationally and internationally. Throughout his career, Mike has gained the respect of government departments in the UK and overseas, other overseas regulators, and industry for his expertise and fairness. He works with Government departments on many spectrum related matters and has appropriate security clearance.