Open RAN

  • Radio access network (RAN) architecture is changing
  • Initiatives are underway to help define open, interoperable interfaces and to harness the technical and economic potential of virtualisation and white box components
  • The result could be a lowering of service provider costs and the addition of new capabilities to the network more quickly
Open RAN

What we do

  • We understand the potential of Open RAN, how it could impact your decisions and investments
  • Work with you to develop a strategy that make the most of architectural changes and their implications for equipment choices, service transformation and changes to business models
  • Provide support with hardware vendors, software vendors, cloud services, industry associations and the whole new ORAN ecosystem
Open RAN

Why we are different

  • Our experts have worked on RAN development for years – and even played a part in developing Open RAN architectures
  • We have helped to map out the options and trade-offs of open architectures for clients to assess the benefits of different technology choices
  • We have worked closely with the companies and industry groups developing and driving Open RAN
Open RAN

Always changing, always evolving

The architectures of radio access networks are evolving as a result of various technical and economic drivers. It’s a continuing process – of which Open RAN architectures are a significant part. But Open RAN is a slow revolution. Its development is also fragmented – not just from the point of view of objectives and standards, but also in terms of the political and regional agendas informing and, in some cases, inhibiting progress and consensus. This is an evolution that has huge potential and our experts can help you separate the opportunity from the hype to inform policy, investments, deployments and business models.

What we offer

  • Advice on RAN evolution: We are uniquely qualified to monitor and assess this network evolution on behalf of partners, clients and governments, having followed and influenced the evolution of RAN architectures for over ten years.
  • Helping develop your wireless strategy: Whether you’re an equipment vendor or wireless user, operator, regulator or investor, we can help you to understand how RANs are developing and what changes in network architectures could mean for you – both as a challenge and as an opportunity.
  • Future proofing: As a multi-disciplinary consultancy that includes engineers, economists, project managers, business leaders, regulatory strategists, industry analysts and, of course, wireless technology experts, we are better positioned than most to read the RAN roadmap as the route ahead reveals itself.


The path to true 5G and what it means for businesses

Real Wireless Managing Consultant Julie Bradford has written this accessible introduction to the 5G roadmap for Enterprise IT teams. This guide offers a realistic take on how we see 5G evolving – what’s happening today, what’s likely to happen in the near future – and how significant shifts in network architecture like virtualisation and network slicing will affect services, costs and supply chain.

26 GHz – the opportunity for a fresh approach to licensing in higher frequencies

The 26 GHz band is capable of delivering fibre-like speeds with extremely low latency, but the high propagation loss poses a challenge to achieve wide area coverage compared to lower spectrum bands. This report proposes a hybrid licensing approach to achieve Ofcom’s objective of licensing this band as part of their commitment to the EU directive.

Better mobile services for your building

Property owners and tenants who are looking at ways of improving the mobile service in their building may be wondering where to start. Certainly the end result will differ according to the building, but, whether yours is an airport, an enterprise office, a shopping centre or a museum, some considerations apply to all buildings – and the most urgent consideration is to get unbiased, expert advice. And our new Guide is a great place to start.

Simon Fletcher

Chief Executive Officer

John Okas

Chief Commercial Officer

Julie Bradford

Head of Techno-Economic Analysis (TEA)

Dr. Abhaya Sumanasena

Head of Policy and Regulation

Dr. Hassan Osman

Wireless Technology Consultant

Costa Tsourkas

Managing Consultant

Caroline Gabriel

Market Research and Telecoms Industry Analyst

Ian Miller

Wireless Networks and Technologies Advisor

News & blogs

Diversification, development and dialogue

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Finding the Optimum Processing Platform for Open RAN Solutions

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Open RAN: the view on the street

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